A Place For The Uncensored Liberal Mind

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We witnesses, we are part of history

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."-John F. Kennedy 

It's not the same as say what happened in the Middle East, but it is pretty damn similar. Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Seattle, Occupy Phoenix. This idea is spreading. It has been brewing for the last eight years and is finally coming to a head. The middle class is tired with the status quo, and we are about to, we are taking a stand. There hasn't been a movement in this country like this since the 1970's and the anti-Vietnam protests. This however is much different.

It has been 30 years of the rich get super rich, and the poor get poorer. Our founding fathers would have been sickened by what is going on. In a country that was supposed to be formed around, equality, and freedom. We have gone so far south from that. It is now gotten to the point where our government isn't in control, but rather assholes like the Koch brothers, Goldman Sachs, Bank Of America, large corporations, and gigantic businesses. People are no longer in control. What once was a government for the people, by the people, is no more. We are now a government for the rich, run by the rich. We've had enough of this.

Occupy (insert town here,) is a movement. Real change that we have so long hungered. It is a call to this country to wake up, and see the mess we are in. This isn't a "Ron Paul" thing, no it is not. (One because that man is a political retard, and would argue for big business.) No, this movement is started by the people of this once great country. It was started by people like me and you that have had enough with the corruption in our government. We're not saying we want to overthrow our government, and start a new. No, we want to get the greedy out of our government and deliver it back to the people.

The fact that we have even gotten here is mind boggling. We let all of these politicians take these backroom deals right under our nose. Since when is it more important that a bank CEO should be making more money than a teacher, or firefighter. There is no reason why it should be that way. It has become an incredibly unbalanced country when it comes to earnings. When you consider the fact that the upper four percent have seen their wealth rise by about 80% over the last few years, while the other 96% have watches their savings, and earnings dwindle. Who says that tax cuts are the answer to create jobs.

Tax cuts, why are the so important. Many of the rich have spoken out that they want to be taxed more to help this country. Meanwhile some in Washington are saying that is not the case. They argue that with lower taxes jobs will be created. If so why is unemployment so high, most of these corporation pay taxes that are so small, it's microscopic, and their profit margin is in the tens of billions. The rich, and the corporations are totally struggling.

What is about to happen in this country is an unprecedented social uprising in this country. This Occupy Wall Street is just the start. This country is angry, and if you aren't you just aren't paying attention to what is going on. I'm angry, there is a fire in me, and I am ready to stand up against this true class warfare. I hope that if you are reading this you are angry too, and you want to see a change. We the people need to take back our country. "Lets raise the stakes, on the bet we made, and lets decide to be the architects, the masters of our fate." Here we go, deep breath, lets go!

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