A Place For The Uncensored Liberal Mind

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Vacation's all I ever wanted

What? Obama has taken only 70 days for vacation in three years? Not that bad, when you consider the facts above that George W. Bush took 225 days off. If you do that math that is about one fifth of his time in office at that point. Now remember this, with Bush's term it was 2003, we were at war with both Iraq and Afghanistan at that point in his first term. A president, while in the middle of two wars decides to go on vacation. Meanwhile, president Obama has only taken 70 days off while facing a true crisis. Who has their priorities straight.

Then you have those who wish to place the blame on Obama for creating this mess we are in, but those stats do not lie. Bush was a very complacent president in times of true need and war. During Obama's first three years he has had to avert the greatest finical disaster in the United States, deal with the two war mess left by his predecessor, and still has had time for even 70 days. Yet, Republicans and certain pundits have called for him to limit his vacation time. Where were they from 2001-2003 while Bush wasted one fifth of his time in office on vacation.

More hypocrisy. Have to love it!


  1. I just wanted to say thanks, I am from Tucson and was beginning to become concerned that everyone had gone stark raving mad in beloved Arizona. Good luck on the blog, I'll share it in my little suburban bubble

  2. Trust me, I'm the same way. I live in Phoenix the past 11 years, and have been disgusted by it. The fact that the CD that I live in voted for a Ben Quayle made me nauseous. I hope to eventually to gain such a voice to make the jump into politics, and really get what the American people are thinking!!

  3. I wish I got vacation days
