A Place For The Uncensored Liberal Mind

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome to 2012

Now it is time to kick this blog into full gear.

Starting Tuesday, I will be bombarding you with blogs, and such. We will have a more clear image of who the GOP is going to throw out there. From what it looks like as of right now it will be Mitt Romney, and Ron Paul leading the pack. It is funny when you think about Paul being considered. Why? It is just a sign of parody within the GOP. Paul is a candidate that any other year would receive 2%-10% of votes. Since the field is so weak, and Romney will not get the Evangelical vote, Paul is now the flavor of the month. 

We have gone through, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, and now Paul has some support. Rick Santorum (google his name) is now trending as Paul's less than tolerant past comes to light. It will be interesting to see what comes of this all.

I would love to stay and debate the Paulbots that found me, but I am only one person. Not to mention, it is really tough to debate someone when they are giving you half-truths.

Dear Tuesday, please shut these people up!

Monday, November 21, 2011

A generation lost

Some people have said that the current generation is one that will revive the country, the one that will set it straight. However, I do not see that. We are apathetic, we buy into the most illogical rhetoric thrown out by the media, and candidates. It doesn't seem like it is going to change. For some idiotic reason our generation is buying into a man that has said he wouldn't have voted for Civil Rights, and has had bits of racism slip through.his news letters.

Than man is Ron Paul.

Lets start a few years back shall we? The movie "Loose Change" is released. For those that do not know, it is a documentary that has list of facts that prove 9/11 was "an inside job." Here's the thing about the movie, it was originally made as a joke, and even had a script. It went viral, and people bought in. Many Paul supporters are followers are called "9/11 Truthers." This group of people bought into the movies premise and Paul has spoken on a truthers show, Alex Jones (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqN2EKuXX2g.) Not only that, Paul accepts donations from Jones, (http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NjkwYzQ3N2U0YWU0Njc0NTkyOWYwN2E1ODk1MmFjYWQ%3D.) There were 3,000+/- people killed on that fateful morning, and someone has the gall to say that it was set up by the government, and question the heroics and the loss of loved ones on that morning. You have got to be kidding me.

Then there is the whole racist thing. In the early 1990s, Paul let some newsletters find their way out with racist terms. For any professional to allow something like this to go out without knowledge is sad. Before anything goes out, would you not take a look over it? Then there is the oddity that says he would have voted down the Civil Rights Act, and his son, Rand, is no better. The classic rebuttal you hear is, "he didn't know about it." I call shenanigans. Paul has accepted known donations from racist donors, and then refused to return the donations, (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22331091/.) As the late Billy Mays said, "but wait, there's more." This man had said no to the Civil War to free slaves, (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22331091/.) Not a racist. Really?

What about sexist? Paul is a pro-lifer, he would throw it off to the states

Deregulation. A word that you hear thrown around a lot these days. Paul wants to deregulate EVERYTHING. That is right, get government out of our lives. That means, no FDA, NTSD, CDC, FAA, FDIC, ect... All of those would be gone. Paul wants to privatize everything. Guess what the means. Someone would be making a profit off of your life, and it is not you. That also includes privitizing the schools, and making each school a private school. That means a family that is making it paycheck to paycheck would not be able to afford their child's education. His theory would expand the middle class, but what it would do is distance the 1% even further away from the middle class. It would create a true plutocracy where the richest Americans make decisions.

As I mentioned about Paul's race stand, what about sexist? Paul is a pro-lifer, he would throw it off to the states to decide. That means that states would vote to ban abortion. Wouldn't that be against the whole idea of deregulation, and having a small government? I believe so. Then with his idea on the Civil War, allow the states to decide on Jim Crow laws. Guess what, the South would be segregated again. So much for small government.

In our current political environment economics are a hot button issue. Here is Paul's idea. No taxes, no spending. What? That's right. Good-bye Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. You decide to cut government that radically, you have cut a whole lot of jobs. The US government is the largest employer in the country. Not Wal-Mart, not McDonalds, no, but the federal government is. All the taxes would run via states. Wait, what? That sounds familiar.

That is because it is. We would all be on the same monetary system, but basically separate little countries. That is exactly what the European Union is. One state goes down, a domino effect will state. Look at Greece. The whole EU is about to fall apart because of their system. Paul's idea is the exact same. What he would essentially do is dissolve the United States of American, and make it just "States of America." We are not individual states, but we are a country just broken down into smaller chunks that are easier to manage. Alone like this would not work. States like Arizona and California, have horrible budgets. Like Greece, they fall apart, what ever we are will fall with them. However, with a government like we have it now, it provides a safety net.

We are a generation lost. Why do I say that is because we are. We will buy into his "legalize pot," ad populist idea, and follow him for that. Sadly most of these kids that follow this do not have a solid state of mind, but a rather, "I want to smoke weed legally." That is not the case. Paul followers, like pot heads, are paranoid about EVERYTHING. It goes from fearing food, government help, and 9/11. It is saddening that we are becoming like this. Not only that, we are becoming more and more apathetic. There is a belief that government won't effect me personally, so why care. That is a confusing stance.

Our biggest disaster may be ourselves....

Do your research, don't listen to one source. Open your mind. This man is a disaster waiting to happen. Thankfully this man will be nothing more than a forgotten memory after 2012. Maybe then we will wake up and see the real politics and it see how things should logically work!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Janet-mandering the Arizona districts

Started in 1790, the US Census is a tool used by the United States government to find out its population. After finding out what the population is, the government can then allocate funds to where it  deems necessary based on the population. It also helps states divide congressional districts. After the 2010 Census, Arizona was given a new seat in Congress. This meant re-drawing the congressional districts, normally an easy task.
Not the case in Arizona.

In 2000, a bill was passed by the people of Arizona saying that the state government will not draw the lines, but rather an independent group of five people: two Democrats, two Republicans and an independent. The now nine districts were re-drawn, of course not without some name calling and about were about to be finished. However, in her infinite wisdom, Jan Brewer blew a hissy-fit.

Northern Arizona, a normally liberal district, is facing a huge problem. What is the district going to include? There were certain areas in Arizona that were meant to be a strictly Republican, or strictly Democrat to appease both sides. However, some districts are being contested, like District 1. The design is meant to have the district split almost 50-50. Brewer did not like that.

There is something odd about this all. Brewer is in New York touring for her new book. She is not in Arizona, where she should be when a problem like this arises. She is the one that caused this problem, and is on the opposite side of the country.

What many people do not know about Arizona is it is not as blood-red as the media has made it out to be. It is known as a “purple state,” meaning it is almost evenly split. Numbers have shown the state to be a third Independent, a third Democrat, and a third Republican, although that third Republican has a little more of the cookie than the other two.

Why does Arizona have such conservative laws?

Simple reason. Gerrymandering.

Gerrymandering is where government district lines are drawn to favor a particular political party, or discriminate against a certain group of people. Arizona has districts set up to favor Republicans. Look no further than the current shape of District two. Basically a circle around areas with high Native American population, then a thin squiggly line to all of Mohave County, which is mostly Republican. That make the Natives votes almost irreverent. The state is not as far right as it is made out to be. Only reason why is because the districts are drawn to favor Republicans.

This is what Brewer wants to do with these districts. She impeached the independent chairwomen, and then called for the two democrats to be replaced too. Meanwhile, leave the two Republicans on the board, one of whom received tons of complaints from the other chair people, and find a new group to draw the districts.This shows a blatant attempt to gerrymander the state to favor Republicans. Even after the people of Arizona voted to keep state government out of redistricting, Brewer is going against the people.

It isn’t only here that events like this are taking place. Similar stories are popping up in Texas and Nevada. It just goes to show Republicans trying to go after personal agendas, rather than listen to the people. Republicans should listen to their independent boards and accept what they are given. Compromise is not giving one side what it wants, while the other side gets the shaft. It is time listen to what the people voted for. Now is not the time to create a dystopian world for your liking, while leaving the people of your state in the dust.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

GOP's Three Stooges

The 2012 GOP primary season is right around the corner. Although it is only November the GOP hopefuls are punching and swinging at each other. Although these men are presidential candidates, they look more like rejects from Three Stooges shorts. Okay, so it’s not just three, but the point is made.

Long time presidential hopeful Mitt Romney was the early leader, but fell off the wagon after Michelle Bachmann won Iowa and Rick Perry threw his name into the hat. Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, has just about no chance of winning, even if he was picked. It is a very simple reason; he laid down the frame work for Republican enemy number one, “Obamacare.” He passed a universal healthcare bill that almost mirrors President Obama’s. Not to mention Romney is a chronic flip-flopper.  Look no further than Ohio’s SB 5, which is a union stripping bill. Romney supported it, then he didn’t, and now he supports again.

Romney may seem like the sanest of the bunch, but he isn’t the current leader though.
Herman Cain is currently leading in most polls across the country.  Cain has already dug himself a hole with his SimCity-like “9-9-9” plan. That plan would create a flat tax, lowering taxes on the rich, while raising those on the poorest Americans. Not to mention he recently said that “knowing all foreign policies isn’t that important”. Even better, Cain said he would sign a constitutional amendment banning abortion. What this Tea Party backed candidate doesn’t realize is that the president would be a non-factor in adding a new amendment. The Tea Party are the ones that want a more constitutionally-based government, right? They are behind a man who doesn’t get it. Amazing!

After the former GoodFellas Pizza CEO, we have Bush 2.0, correction, Rick Perry. Perry made news recently after meeting with birther Donald Trump. The Texas governor proceeded to then beat the dead horse that is Obama was not born in America; even after his birth certificate was released. He is another supporter of a flat tax, which would be another attack on the poor. Along with that, he has his religious views that he is injecting his campaign with. To take a step back for a minute, this is the same guy that led a prayer session in Houston just before he jumped into the GOP debate.

There are other issues that all these men stand behind, like banning abortion. So not only do they want to continue their class warfare, they will also add gender warfare too. The strangest thing about these candidates is this thing; they are not focusing on Obama and his so-called failed economic plan. They are focusing more on ethical and personal agendas first.

New Hampshire is right around the corner. With that we can probably say good-bye to candidates like Bachmann and Ron Paul. Until then we will be stuck hearing the same old argument from the GOP’s three stooges.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Weird government idea, based off of #OWS

I know that #OWS has been very resistant to forming groups, or leadership, but I had an idea. It may or may not make sense. It might work though. It's a weird form of government.

Since they have been using general assemblies I figured that would be a great start. Have a general assembly of who ever shows up vote on things they want brought, up or concerned. Of course there would need to be a super majority for these concerns, or ideas unless otherwise noted. Then once the GA adjourns, it goes to a committee of 21 people to be voted upon (all of 21 are voted in in smaller local districts within the congressional, no political campaign allowed, just what they want to do and how in booklets mailed out to all voters. No smear campaigns, or attack ads.) now the issues or ideas would just need a 11-10 majority to advance. Upon winning approval of the committee those ideas, or issues would now become enacted. This would also work on a national level, although use the congressional districts and elect a "president" for ties.

Some of the ideas, laws, or issues that would require national attention would be brought to congress. The congress would use the current congressional districts, but both one man, and one woman are elected (same fashion as local, no campaigns, just booklets about who they are, and what they want to do.) to serve. The two present the ideas to this congress for approval, or dismissal. Since there would be an even number, the president would be there for a ties. The president is picked from the previous congressional section, both a man, and a woman go up for election. (following guidelines set by the other elections.) The national election is decided by majority only. If tied, 21 random congresspeople make the final vote. Elections are held every four years for the president, and 33% of congress every six years. Congress people have a max term limit of four terms, consecutive or not, only four. President can only have two terms, max 10 years.

No agendas, just the people truly running the government.

The Cain Agenda

Is Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain the litmus test for the Republican party for this upcoming election? It sure looks like he is.
Cain is offering his 9-9-9 plan, which is basically a nice SimCity way of saying a “flat tax rate.” What that would mean is this, the rich taxes get lowered, and the poor get taxed more.  He recently adapted his stance on it and said that he would call it the 9-0-9 plan. Of course, that still will present a burden on the poorest Americans.
It is not only Cain that is parading a “flat tax rate” around. Mitt Romney, and Texas governor Rick Perry said they would support the same thing. This kind of tax plan would drive a country starved of revenue even further into the deep hole it is already in.
The simple economic concept is being over looked. In order to make spend money, revenue must be generated. The way that is done in a country is through taxes, in this case it would be federal tax. One of the most extreme, and flawed ideas on this is Ron Paul’s. Eliminating all federal income tax create a huge deficit. No income, but still spending on things like roads, and.. Wait. That’s right, he wants to deregulate everything too. More Republican brilliance at its best.
To say that it is just the tax ideology that this group of Republican have is concerning is just the tip of the iceberg.
Again, Cain opened up his mouth on abortion. He said that if presented with a constitutional amendment making abortion illegal, he would sign it. (What the Tea Party supported candidate didn’t realize is that presidents do not have a role in creating constitutional amendments.) In other words, he would be willing to keep fighting a class war with the poor in America and a battle with gender too. It isn’t only Cain; the other candidates have said similar things.
New Hampshire is right around the corner. It is shaping up to be a who can go further right primary season in 2012. The question is for these Republicans, will they be able to flip-flop and come back left to persuade voters in November 2012? Right now, it does not look as if the trip further right is stopping any time soon.  

Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh, ABORTION! This argument again, seriously?

It’s always a hot button topic. It has been for decades now. Abortion took the stage on NAU’s Union Pedway Monday and Tuesday. There was not a single thing wrong with this group using their First Amendment right to voice their stance on “pro-life,” but how they did it was quite repulsive.

Walking north towards the union many students were greeted with large banners with pictures of aborted fetuses. A delightful sight for those eating their breakfast on a Monday or Tuesday morning one might thing. It wasn’t just the grotesque pictures that were adorning these banners, but likening abortion to the Holocaust, and genocides.

Genocide is defined in the Webster as; “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.” Nowhere in that definition does it say “fetus.” When somebody hears that term “genocide” the Holocaust or the mass genocides in the African continent come to mind, again, not “fetuses.”

The group from AbortionNO.org are currently going out to colleges and universities saying that abortion is on the same level as the heinous acts of Adolf Hitler and African dictators. Playing into an ad populist card, and injecting fear into their very radical stance. This has to offend any ethnic group on campus. Being Jewish, and having family members killed in the Holocaust, of course I am offended.  

There was something very disturbing that caught my eye. Who was standing behind the barriers?

It was mostly men. Yes, males you know the ones who do not carry a child for nine months, and then give birth. Yeah, that gender. At one point the ratio was, as I counted, six males to one female. Why should a group, of mostly males, be deciding what a woman does with their body? Women do have the right to chose. As one sign read from a female pro-choice protester “My body, my choice.”

The fact that NAU allowed AbortionNO.org to come to campus, and put these barely permissible pictures up, is very disappointing. However, it was great to see the outcry from NAU’s students speaking out against them, and use their First Amendment right too.