A Place For The Uncensored Liberal Mind

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We witnesses, we are part of history

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."-John F. Kennedy 

It's not the same as say what happened in the Middle East, but it is pretty damn similar. Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Seattle, Occupy Phoenix. This idea is spreading. It has been brewing for the last eight years and is finally coming to a head. The middle class is tired with the status quo, and we are about to, we are taking a stand. There hasn't been a movement in this country like this since the 1970's and the anti-Vietnam protests. This however is much different.

It has been 30 years of the rich get super rich, and the poor get poorer. Our founding fathers would have been sickened by what is going on. In a country that was supposed to be formed around, equality, and freedom. We have gone so far south from that. It is now gotten to the point where our government isn't in control, but rather assholes like the Koch brothers, Goldman Sachs, Bank Of America, large corporations, and gigantic businesses. People are no longer in control. What once was a government for the people, by the people, is no more. We are now a government for the rich, run by the rich. We've had enough of this.

Occupy (insert town here,) is a movement. Real change that we have so long hungered. It is a call to this country to wake up, and see the mess we are in. This isn't a "Ron Paul" thing, no it is not. (One because that man is a political retard, and would argue for big business.) No, this movement is started by the people of this once great country. It was started by people like me and you that have had enough with the corruption in our government. We're not saying we want to overthrow our government, and start a new. No, we want to get the greedy out of our government and deliver it back to the people.

The fact that we have even gotten here is mind boggling. We let all of these politicians take these backroom deals right under our nose. Since when is it more important that a bank CEO should be making more money than a teacher, or firefighter. There is no reason why it should be that way. It has become an incredibly unbalanced country when it comes to earnings. When you consider the fact that the upper four percent have seen their wealth rise by about 80% over the last few years, while the other 96% have watches their savings, and earnings dwindle. Who says that tax cuts are the answer to create jobs.

Tax cuts, why are the so important. Many of the rich have spoken out that they want to be taxed more to help this country. Meanwhile some in Washington are saying that is not the case. They argue that with lower taxes jobs will be created. If so why is unemployment so high, most of these corporation pay taxes that are so small, it's microscopic, and their profit margin is in the tens of billions. The rich, and the corporations are totally struggling.

What is about to happen in this country is an unprecedented social uprising in this country. This Occupy Wall Street is just the start. This country is angry, and if you aren't you just aren't paying attention to what is going on. I'm angry, there is a fire in me, and I am ready to stand up against this true class warfare. I hope that if you are reading this you are angry too, and you want to see a change. We the people need to take back our country. "Lets raise the stakes, on the bet we made, and lets decide to be the architects, the masters of our fate." Here we go, deep breath, lets go!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Education, Learned Good

From the age of five, until the age of about 24 most go to school. Many to chase down dreams of being a doctor, scientist, or something that requires a high level of education. Let me start by saying this, reason why I haven't made any posts lately is because I have been busy with class, and sick. Yes, universities take a toll on you. I am, I guess lucky to be able to go to a university, but not so many are.

Every 26 seconds a kid drops out of high school, and never gets to get that experience of being at a university, or advance their learning. Then people drop out of college because mounting student debt, and never finish getting their degree, although higher educated than a high school grad, or someone with a GED, they won't find jobs much better than those who just squeaked by. We as a country need to educate ourselves, and stay on top of the ball.

If we don't strive to be the best educated, we will fall behind, so why cut funding in educating? If we aren't educated, we may get walked over by those who pushed us down. That is what is going on in this country today. Many who have gained power, are trying to sedate us, and water us down, dumb us up. Meanwhile, we don't do a damn thing about it. With out a education, we will be nothing more than a wage slave at a retail store or a kiosk at a mall. That will be our fate, not be a doctor, scientist, or such.

There are certain groups in Washington that wants to see us fail intellectually. Simply, look at people like Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Perry. Need I say more. The kind of people that use their power and thoughts on religion to keep us as a country from getting smarter, and having that space age future we have seen in the movies. This needs to stop. We need to fund the hell out of education, we need to push kids to their full potential and make sure they get there. I say this as I am in a class of 375 people, and the instructor honestly doesn't care about the individual student.

See the movie "Accepted." Although it is a comedy there is a scene that is all too true. Justin Long's character sits in on a class, and he bumps a student who is falling asleep, and that student babbles an answer to a question that was never asked, then he tries to ask another student in the lecture hall, and he responds to something about how he needs to understand these formulas so he won't fail this class this semester. If you are wondering, yes, that does happen.

Although, most of our attention has gone from paying attention in class, to bringing our laptops to class, and browsing Facebook, Tumblr, and other social network sites. Attention is lost. Our education system is lost. It is for the most part broken, and needs to be addressed. So, fund it, help our generation of "fuck ups" take back what has been made a mess of, and fix it. It will be up to us, and but not educating us will be the downfall of us all.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Class warfare? Really, who's really committing "class warfare"

Weekend is over it is time to throw your nose to the grind stone and start all over. Ah, yes, the start of another 40 hour work week, a fresh five days of rants, facts. So where to begin.


A new term that Republicans started throwing around Monday. Here is the correct definition of "class warfare:"

"Refers to a class conflict, or tensions between members of different social classes."

To summarize what the means is say the upper, or lower classed bickering, or actually fighting over who is in control, or one fighting back against oppression. There were numbers that have come out over the past few days that are very interesting, and a Ed Schultz pointed this out. In this chart it showed that the upper 4% of Americans, those making in excess of one million dollars a year, over all wealth increased by a whopping 42%. Meanwhile those in the lower ranks, their wealth actually decreased by 8%. This is a growing disparity in this country, and it doesn't show signs of stopping any time soon.

President Obama finally spoke out though yesterday, saying that they will not make any cuts to Medicare without having some kind of tax raise, and that Social Security is untouchable. It is about time he has said this. Obama also said that we can't keep going on this cutting spree and intend it to work. He also said that this kind of approach is just simple math, and the Republican theory is illogical to fix it. 

Now, let me put this into perspective on how the republicans want to fix things on a very small, personal scale.

You are a working, you make your own hours, which effects how much you make. You also like to spend money frivolously too. For the longest time this has not been a problem, you are able to cover all your costs, as in housing, food, and your kids going to college. Now after a while you have a, what you think is, large surplus of cash. With this surplus, you decide to start cutting your time working (taxes) which decreases your income. However, this does not change your spending habits. Then you open a high limit credit card, and think this now gives you more money, so again, you cut back your time working, and again your over all income take a hit. The credit card reaches its peak, and now you can't pay off your bills, so you immediately start cutting things, and don't pick up your hours at work, you cut off your kids on college, you drop your health care, and all almost essential things that we pay for, but still continue to buy excessive things. 

That is basically how Republicans work things. Continue spending money on excessive things, like two unfunded wars, and disregard the fact that the rich 2% in this country pay almost nothing in taxes. Meanwhile, the Warren Buffet rule is starting to become a hot topic. Buffet's secretary currently pays a larger percent of their income in taxes than Mr. Buffet who is a billionaire. Buffet has spoken out and said that he, and a bunch of other million, and billionaires would pay a more fair share in taxes, they don't need that much money. Mark Cuban, owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, said the if he had to pay higher taxes, he said it would hurt at first, but then he would feel really good about it because he knows he is helping millions of Americans.

So Republicans really need to re-think their stance and calling raising the taxes on the rich, "class warfare." Why? The rich aren't the ones being oppressed, the lower classes are being held down by these ridiculous tax laws, and loopholes. In a previous blog I talk about the parallels George Orwell's novel "1984." In the book, the reason why the current government was in place was because the lower classes got fed up with the capitalists, and their stranglehold over the lower classes. Obviously it didn't work out that well in the long run, but that is where we are heading. There will be true class warfare in the coming years if we don't fix our current ways.       

Friday, September 16, 2011

Mr. Orwell adding fresh ink to the page

Have we been asleep? Have the last 30 some years all gone to the back of our minds, even if we weren’t alive then. These puzzle pieces do not fit, but we so casually just go along with the story that we are being fed. There is no room for improvement; we are taught that the discontent is the content. Our generation is a generation lost, and no one to stand up for it. I've watched over the last few years how things have gone in Washington DC. Ever since I was 18 I have longed for a true change, what I didn't know. Now I stand here at 21, and I see how dysfunctional things really are. After reading the book 1984 last year, I started seeing way too many connections with modern society, but no one really agreed with me.

 For those who do not know, 1984 is a dystopian novel written in 1948 by George Orwell. The plot in the story revolves around a man named Winston Smith who is dissatisfied with his current living conditions under "Big Brother." This mysterious figure that is "Big Brother" is a totalitarian dictator that controls everything that goes on "Oceania." Smith is a high middle class individual, and is forced to work with the government editing news headlines so they read how the "Party" wants them to read. Throughout the book, Smith tries to find what is called “The Resistance,” which is supposed to be an underground group waiting for the right time to over throw “Big Brother.” "The Resistance" however, is not real, just a manifestation created by the "Party" to find outsiders and "cure" them.

 Within the last 10 years a lot one sided politics has occurred. This country has been dragged further and further right by extreme Republican politics. It's not just political agendas that the right has pulled at, but also personal vendettas. Need I say more of the abortion rights of women, and the no taxes for the rich. We went from being a country of liberties, and a chance for all, to a country of oppression for the middle and lower classes, while the top two percent can prosper and thrive. It was said it a movie released by HBO recently, "Too Big To Fail," Hank Paulson. former US Treasury Sectary said after being asked about why there were no regulations that could have averted the 2008-present recession, (for good measures I'm going to call it the Depression two, or DII because that is what it is. And yes, I know they said the "Recession ended in 2009, 76% of American don't believe that though.) and responded with "we were making too much money." They may have been making money, the money they were making was off of the plight of the middle class because of a theory proposed by the banks, which destroyed America, take out a second mortgage on your house because if you house is valued at $500k, you have $500k to spend. Now that planned totally backfired.

 There's some build up to my points.

 I just spoke of how the top is meant to prosper, now in 1984, those who were on the top had all the opulent things, while the middle and lower groups were to be quenched with sub-standard products and be happy with it. I continue on.

 Let’s talk tax breaks shall we.

 In 2001 President George W. Bush enacted one of the worst policies in the United States history. To shorten the context if of it, taxes were lowered for those making egregious amounts of money. At this point in time the country was sitting on a budget surplus, and small national debt, (all countries are going to have debt, and no debt is bad for countries, weird... I know.) That changed, Bush, and his Republican congress went on a spending spree, started two wars that were unfunded, and not approved by the American people. The entire time this was all going on, there was no revenue coming into the country. We shifted from being an exporter, to almost primarily an importer. Simple logic. if you don't make money, you can't spend money. Now these righties believe that they can keep zero taxes fro rich and companies at next to zero, and just cut everything. Even things that this country relies on so much, like Social Security, and Medicare. Economists have said that cutting will not help the country, but rather hurt it. We have been hemorrhaging for ten plus years, and the best answers that our government can do is put a little dot band-aid on a slit throat. They do it over and over again, and get the same results.(Wait.. Is that the definition of insanity? Why yes, yes it is.)

 Where we come in. The Resistance.

 There is none.

 Yes, that is right. There is no resistance to stand up to these oppressive forces. In 1984, everything was monitored closely by surveillance, and resistance was futile. That is what we face today. The generation that has a chance to stand up, and take back what is ours is either too timid to actually stand up, or have been brainwashed that it is useless. I would like to believe that we can make a difference, but so many have been sedated and don't even know it. We are told to accept authority that we are given, and bow to them. We are tackled because we are thrown into perpetual debt because of school. We are told that the discontent is the content that we will have to contend with for the rest of our life and there is little, to nothing that we can do about it. We are bound by what have been told. The television has destroyed us too. If you have read the book, what runs their life? The Tele-Screen. If you include cellphones, laptops, and computers in the television status, they are our Tele-Screens. Don't believe me, think about it. It is a perfect medium for an authoritarian society, like the one in 1984, and our current living arrangements.

 Next time you go to think that everything is okay. Realize that you are discontent with the world around you, but too clueless to realize how your mind has been programmed that way. We always talk about being the generation to stand up, and take back what is ours that is not the case. We will be the ones to sit down, and turn a blind eye to it. Why? It is just how we have been taught, how we have developed as individuals. Can we change it, and take an actual stand, I have no clue. The Resistance that we thought we could be is not true. There is no resistance. We just are somehow going to have to accept the fact that it is over, and wait for the proverbial bullet to enter our skull.

There is power in a union

The union. A term that many Republicans fear. Why? They are groups of people that they don't particularly like forming groups that force fat cat corporations to give them what they want, and have to spend extra money. Before I go on, there are downsides to unions. Biggest is is a union goes on strike, sometimes members don't have control over it, and they may lose their job. Then of course, there is the fact that a worker may have to pay X amount of dollars from their pay check to the union. It is a small price to pay when the union will step in if you are fired without a legitimate reason, or treated unfairly. There has been corruption in unions before, but not so much these days.

Without a union there is no 40 hour five day work week, minimum wage, or even a weekend. There is one candidate that is running on abolishing minimum wage, Ron Paul. What Paul is reading is flawed economics. He believes if there is no minimum wage, employers will pay more. However, that is not the case. They would pay an employee nothing because they can. Paul is not really much of a factor in this talk. There are two battle grounds right now, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Let me side track for a moment.

Arizona is a "right to work state." According to legal-explanations.com a right to work state is:

"State labor law that permits someone to determine for himself/herself whether or not to join a labor union. The law avoids employers from making union membership a condition of employment" 

Basically what that states is that you don't have to join a union in order to be employed. What that seemingly brilliant law forgets to mention is that a employer can terminate a worker without reason, or cause. They could fire a worker because they don't like them as a person, racial, or thousands of other reasons. It is a law created to water down unions, and make these protective unions all but go away.

As we know, the state of Wisconsin had no real choice in what happened. Tea Party governor Scott Walker forced his union busting agenda down the peoples throat, and said unions are bad, and are hurting the state budget. Now Ohio is facing something very similar. Watching the Ed Schultz Show earlier, Ed seemed like he wanted to strangle governor Kasic of Ohio for his lack of courage to come and talk to him.

They want to do away with higher pay, and benefits for public workers. The have this strange notion that by creating these union busting laws, that it will somehow help their states dire budget situations, There are other ways to fix those problems. All these Republicans say they have a better job plan than Barack Obama, but meanwhile they keep on coming up with legislation that will destroy jobs, not create them.

Now just if you take one thing from this know this. Unions have downsides, but their upsides out weigh the bad 10-1. They protect your job, they help you get the pay you deserve, and they support you if treated badly. We lose unions, we will lose so many things that we have become to accustomed to. Don't let them keep the middle class down, lets not lose out minimum wage just so some billionaire can count his money in his high rise glass tomb. We're better than this!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Vacation's all I ever wanted

What? Obama has taken only 70 days for vacation in three years? Not that bad, when you consider the facts above that George W. Bush took 225 days off. If you do that math that is about one fifth of his time in office at that point. Now remember this, with Bush's term it was 2003, we were at war with both Iraq and Afghanistan at that point in his first term. A president, while in the middle of two wars decides to go on vacation. Meanwhile, president Obama has only taken 70 days off while facing a true crisis. Who has their priorities straight.

Then you have those who wish to place the blame on Obama for creating this mess we are in, but those stats do not lie. Bush was a very complacent president in times of true need and war. During Obama's first three years he has had to avert the greatest finical disaster in the United States, deal with the two war mess left by his predecessor, and still has had time for even 70 days. Yet, Republicans and certain pundits have called for him to limit his vacation time. Where were they from 2001-2003 while Bush wasted one fifth of his time in office on vacation.

More hypocrisy. Have to love it!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The first drop

Instead of boring everyone with an introduction of who I am and what I am here for I will go straight into the meat of the opinions and just all around fun stuff. There has been a lot going in in the past few days, so there is no time here to sit and babble about nothing.

According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the current unemployment rate in this country is holding 9.1%. Believe it or not, that is not the highest unemployment rate in the past 30 years, and yes, that does include the 10.1% in October 2009. Back in November of 1982, this country had a 10.8% unemployment rate, which was during the modern conservative's "god" Ronald Regan. Going with more stats, at the end of Bill Clinton's term we have as low as a 3.8% unemployment rate as of April 2000. Three years later, under George Bush, and a Republican lead House and Senate, it spiked to a 6.1% in May of 2003.

The unemployment rate came back down, but came down to a 4.6% Oct 2006, but was on the rise from there on out. This is before the Democrats took back the house and senate in 2006. Many people are pointing fingers at the Democrats for the reason for large unemployment numbers, but take this into consideration. Through out the Bush administration many corporations started outsourcing to places like India, and China. This was a problem that was brought up during the 2004 presidential election, and the majority of Americans stood against outsourcing, and even believed it hurt the economy. Of course, the story goes Bush won re-election, and was a "lame duck" according to many from the start of his second term. Forcing some regulation here would keep jobs in America.

Now, here is what we have come to. Unemployment does not appear it wants to budge lower, and the numbers are starting to show steps backwards, hence there being no new jobs created last month. Yes, a goose egg. The mid-term election had a slew of candidates appear to run on the platform of wanting to create jobs, and focus on the American people, hasn't happened yet. Almost a year in their position, and they have not done anything. If anything they have forced anti-job creating policies, see Wisconsin union busting law. Finally, President Barack Obama is pushing hard to create jobs, and showing his cards that appear to follow Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal, which focused on infrastructure jobs.

Can someone please tell me what is so bad about updating schools, fixing roads, and our outdated infrastructure? Anybody? According to Republicans Mitch McConnell, and Eric Cantor, Obama is "playing politics." Meanwhile, Obama has said it isn't about him winning re-election, it is about getting people to work now, not in 14 months when the Republicans may take back the White House. Sadly the president did cave to some Republican wants, like more tax cuts for the rich, and such. They are speaking out against this plan. While this bill that is being proposed isn't as popular among the American people as one might think. Why? Tax cuts. The American people have been lead on to believe that tax cuts would create jobs over the last decade, which it has done nothing but make corporations want to keep their money more.

The correct answer to my poll that appears below, is both are playing politics, but one party is playing it in favor of the American people, one is not. Food for thought. During the debt ceiling debate Republicans wanted tax cuts otherwise they would have let the country default, and would have shoveled all the blame on Obama for not acting. Even this chunk of awesome, Eric Cantor was quoted before saying that there would be no aide to those effected by Irene until there were more tax cuts. Yes, he said that, look it up. Now, McConnell said this country is a two party system and Obama needs to know how to compromise...


Wait, Mr. McConnell, refresh my memory. This is a two party system, and there needs to be compromise? How many times have you and your Republicans made compromise since Obama became president. You have also said that it is your mission to make Mr. Obama a one term president. You have the nerve to call him out for playing politics. I am flat out disgusted. I didn't even get a chance to mention all the "compromise" the  Democrats have made with Republicans just to get simple legislature passed in the house.

So for now this country will sit in the hands of the most unpopular congress ever, and all that the American people can do is wait for the rest of the country to come to their senses. There is a reason why we are call the United States, and right now this country is so far divided, and it is very sad. Our founding fathers would frown upon the Democrats, and be furious at the Republicans. So again, we sit and wait... Again...

(All quote have been paraphrased from assorted sources like AP, MSNBC, Huffington Post.)