A Place For The Uncensored Liberal Mind

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Class warfare? Really, who's really committing "class warfare"

Weekend is over it is time to throw your nose to the grind stone and start all over. Ah, yes, the start of another 40 hour work week, a fresh five days of rants, facts. So where to begin.


A new term that Republicans started throwing around Monday. Here is the correct definition of "class warfare:"

"Refers to a class conflict, or tensions between members of different social classes."

To summarize what the means is say the upper, or lower classed bickering, or actually fighting over who is in control, or one fighting back against oppression. There were numbers that have come out over the past few days that are very interesting, and a Ed Schultz pointed this out. In this chart it showed that the upper 4% of Americans, those making in excess of one million dollars a year, over all wealth increased by a whopping 42%. Meanwhile those in the lower ranks, their wealth actually decreased by 8%. This is a growing disparity in this country, and it doesn't show signs of stopping any time soon.

President Obama finally spoke out though yesterday, saying that they will not make any cuts to Medicare without having some kind of tax raise, and that Social Security is untouchable. It is about time he has said this. Obama also said that we can't keep going on this cutting spree and intend it to work. He also said that this kind of approach is just simple math, and the Republican theory is illogical to fix it. 

Now, let me put this into perspective on how the republicans want to fix things on a very small, personal scale.

You are a working, you make your own hours, which effects how much you make. You also like to spend money frivolously too. For the longest time this has not been a problem, you are able to cover all your costs, as in housing, food, and your kids going to college. Now after a while you have a, what you think is, large surplus of cash. With this surplus, you decide to start cutting your time working (taxes) which decreases your income. However, this does not change your spending habits. Then you open a high limit credit card, and think this now gives you more money, so again, you cut back your time working, and again your over all income take a hit. The credit card reaches its peak, and now you can't pay off your bills, so you immediately start cutting things, and don't pick up your hours at work, you cut off your kids on college, you drop your health care, and all almost essential things that we pay for, but still continue to buy excessive things. 

That is basically how Republicans work things. Continue spending money on excessive things, like two unfunded wars, and disregard the fact that the rich 2% in this country pay almost nothing in taxes. Meanwhile, the Warren Buffet rule is starting to become a hot topic. Buffet's secretary currently pays a larger percent of their income in taxes than Mr. Buffet who is a billionaire. Buffet has spoken out and said that he, and a bunch of other million, and billionaires would pay a more fair share in taxes, they don't need that much money. Mark Cuban, owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, said the if he had to pay higher taxes, he said it would hurt at first, but then he would feel really good about it because he knows he is helping millions of Americans.

So Republicans really need to re-think their stance and calling raising the taxes on the rich, "class warfare." Why? The rich aren't the ones being oppressed, the lower classes are being held down by these ridiculous tax laws, and loopholes. In a previous blog I talk about the parallels George Orwell's novel "1984." In the book, the reason why the current government was in place was because the lower classes got fed up with the capitalists, and their stranglehold over the lower classes. Obviously it didn't work out that well in the long run, but that is where we are heading. There will be true class warfare in the coming years if we don't fix our current ways.       

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