A Place For The Uncensored Liberal Mind

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Janet-mandering the Arizona districts

Started in 1790, the US Census is a tool used by the United States government to find out its population. After finding out what the population is, the government can then allocate funds to where it  deems necessary based on the population. It also helps states divide congressional districts. After the 2010 Census, Arizona was given a new seat in Congress. This meant re-drawing the congressional districts, normally an easy task.
Not the case in Arizona.

In 2000, a bill was passed by the people of Arizona saying that the state government will not draw the lines, but rather an independent group of five people: two Democrats, two Republicans and an independent. The now nine districts were re-drawn, of course not without some name calling and about were about to be finished. However, in her infinite wisdom, Jan Brewer blew a hissy-fit.

Northern Arizona, a normally liberal district, is facing a huge problem. What is the district going to include? There were certain areas in Arizona that were meant to be a strictly Republican, or strictly Democrat to appease both sides. However, some districts are being contested, like District 1. The design is meant to have the district split almost 50-50. Brewer did not like that.

There is something odd about this all. Brewer is in New York touring for her new book. She is not in Arizona, where she should be when a problem like this arises. She is the one that caused this problem, and is on the opposite side of the country.

What many people do not know about Arizona is it is not as blood-red as the media has made it out to be. It is known as a “purple state,” meaning it is almost evenly split. Numbers have shown the state to be a third Independent, a third Democrat, and a third Republican, although that third Republican has a little more of the cookie than the other two.

Why does Arizona have such conservative laws?

Simple reason. Gerrymandering.

Gerrymandering is where government district lines are drawn to favor a particular political party, or discriminate against a certain group of people. Arizona has districts set up to favor Republicans. Look no further than the current shape of District two. Basically a circle around areas with high Native American population, then a thin squiggly line to all of Mohave County, which is mostly Republican. That make the Natives votes almost irreverent. The state is not as far right as it is made out to be. Only reason why is because the districts are drawn to favor Republicans.

This is what Brewer wants to do with these districts. She impeached the independent chairwomen, and then called for the two democrats to be replaced too. Meanwhile, leave the two Republicans on the board, one of whom received tons of complaints from the other chair people, and find a new group to draw the districts.This shows a blatant attempt to gerrymander the state to favor Republicans. Even after the people of Arizona voted to keep state government out of redistricting, Brewer is going against the people.

It isn’t only here that events like this are taking place. Similar stories are popping up in Texas and Nevada. It just goes to show Republicans trying to go after personal agendas, rather than listen to the people. Republicans should listen to their independent boards and accept what they are given. Compromise is not giving one side what it wants, while the other side gets the shaft. It is time listen to what the people voted for. Now is not the time to create a dystopian world for your liking, while leaving the people of your state in the dust.

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