A Place For The Uncensored Liberal Mind

Monday, October 24, 2011

Weird government idea, based off of #OWS

I know that #OWS has been very resistant to forming groups, or leadership, but I had an idea. It may or may not make sense. It might work though. It's a weird form of government.

Since they have been using general assemblies I figured that would be a great start. Have a general assembly of who ever shows up vote on things they want brought, up or concerned. Of course there would need to be a super majority for these concerns, or ideas unless otherwise noted. Then once the GA adjourns, it goes to a committee of 21 people to be voted upon (all of 21 are voted in in smaller local districts within the congressional, no political campaign allowed, just what they want to do and how in booklets mailed out to all voters. No smear campaigns, or attack ads.) now the issues or ideas would just need a 11-10 majority to advance. Upon winning approval of the committee those ideas, or issues would now become enacted. This would also work on a national level, although use the congressional districts and elect a "president" for ties.

Some of the ideas, laws, or issues that would require national attention would be brought to congress. The congress would use the current congressional districts, but both one man, and one woman are elected (same fashion as local, no campaigns, just booklets about who they are, and what they want to do.) to serve. The two present the ideas to this congress for approval, or dismissal. Since there would be an even number, the president would be there for a ties. The president is picked from the previous congressional section, both a man, and a woman go up for election. (following guidelines set by the other elections.) The national election is decided by majority only. If tied, 21 random congresspeople make the final vote. Elections are held every four years for the president, and 33% of congress every six years. Congress people have a max term limit of four terms, consecutive or not, only four. President can only have two terms, max 10 years.

No agendas, just the people truly running the government.

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