A Place For The Uncensored Liberal Mind

Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh, ABORTION! This argument again, seriously?

It’s always a hot button topic. It has been for decades now. Abortion took the stage on NAU’s Union Pedway Monday and Tuesday. There was not a single thing wrong with this group using their First Amendment right to voice their stance on “pro-life,” but how they did it was quite repulsive.

Walking north towards the union many students were greeted with large banners with pictures of aborted fetuses. A delightful sight for those eating their breakfast on a Monday or Tuesday morning one might thing. It wasn’t just the grotesque pictures that were adorning these banners, but likening abortion to the Holocaust, and genocides.

Genocide is defined in the Webster as; “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.” Nowhere in that definition does it say “fetus.” When somebody hears that term “genocide” the Holocaust or the mass genocides in the African continent come to mind, again, not “fetuses.”

The group from AbortionNO.org are currently going out to colleges and universities saying that abortion is on the same level as the heinous acts of Adolf Hitler and African dictators. Playing into an ad populist card, and injecting fear into their very radical stance. This has to offend any ethnic group on campus. Being Jewish, and having family members killed in the Holocaust, of course I am offended.  

There was something very disturbing that caught my eye. Who was standing behind the barriers?

It was mostly men. Yes, males you know the ones who do not carry a child for nine months, and then give birth. Yeah, that gender. At one point the ratio was, as I counted, six males to one female. Why should a group, of mostly males, be deciding what a woman does with their body? Women do have the right to chose. As one sign read from a female pro-choice protester “My body, my choice.”

The fact that NAU allowed AbortionNO.org to come to campus, and put these barely permissible pictures up, is very disappointing. However, it was great to see the outcry from NAU’s students speaking out against them, and use their First Amendment right too.

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